A series of shorts directed by Ayako Kurata. Made as a collaboration between the color test company Shikisai Kentei Kyoukai, animation studio CloverWorks, and mangaka Tsubasa Yamaguchi.
1) 色を知るたび、世界が広くなる「就活篇」/ Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.: Shuukatsu (August 18, 2022)
2) 色を知るたび、世界が広くなる「私の仕事篇」/ Iro wo Shiru Tabi, Sekai ga Hiroku Naru.: Watashi no Shigoto-hen (August 25, 2022)
A series of shorts directed by Ayako Kurata. Made as a collaboration between the color test company Shikisai Kentei Kyoukai, animation studio CloverWorks, and mangaka Tsubasa Yamaguchi.
1) 色を知るたび、世界が広くなる「就活篇」/ Iro wo Shi...
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