Get ready for the hacking, slashing battle of a lifetime in a new adaptation of the legendarily violent Sengoku Basara franchise. Based on the best-selling video games, the new installment of this action-packed anime revolves around one massive battle featuring mechanized samurai, mystical ninja, gun-toting warriors, and a blinding array of deadly special moves!
Note: Based on CAPCOM's 2010 game Sengoku Basara 3 (Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes), and it will depict the epic Battle of Sekigahara.
(Source: Crunchyroll, Anime News Network)
Get ready for the hacking, slashing battle of a lifetime in a new adaptation of the legendarily violent Sengoku Basara franchise. Based on the best-selling video games, the new installment of this action-packed anime revolves around one massive battl...
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