The comic story of Shizuka, the eldest daughter, who lives at home, showing no signs of getting married; her mother, who is both annoyed with Shizuka, and at the same time concerned about her window of eligibility; her sister Ikumi, with whom she gets along, even though they fight; and her father, who feels henpecked in this all-female household.
Note: Part of Anime no Ai Awa Awa Hour (アニメ愛のあわあわアワー), three relationship-related comedy series aimed at women that were aired on the same day.
The comic story of Shizuka, the eldest daughter, who lives at home, showing no signs of getting married; her mother, who is both annoyed with Shizuka, and at the same time concerned about her window of eligibility; her sister Ikumi, with whom she get...
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