The story takes place in Kisshou City, one of a few remaining oases surrounded by lifeless land devastated by a long world war. Wreckages of humanoid weapons, called "Legacies", are collected and reassembled by the residents of the city. One day, a gang of bandits approaches the city to seize the secrets hidden in the Legacies. The mayor decides to intercept them with a special robot Ω99, which has remained intact since the war. A teenage boy Yamato is called up for the pilot. He is just an ordinary gamer who doesn't even know about the city's crisis.
The story takes place in Kisshou City, one of a few remaining oases surrounded by lifeless land devastated by a long world war. Wreckages of humanoid weapons, called "Legacies", are collected and reassembled by the residents of the city. One day, a g...
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